środa, 17 kwietnia 2013

This National Sports Day, we must commence a campaign demanding public playgrounds for all our children.

Being a mother, do you know what i pray for many of us for my twins Rengpa and Nainai? Which they lead a happy, free and healthy life. My prayer is no distinct from that of every mother across our country.

Health is key to success. While we are healthy, you will find immense possibilities before us. Your brain is capable of doing magic, but we require physical stamina along with metamorph this magic into reality. As being a sportswoman, i noticed you with conviction that you have no better route to health than robust exercising. Where i result from, where the children are increasing up, nature envelopes us.

It is just a common sight to see children racing down hills, playing in the rain, chasing the other person through fields, or walking from the meadows to school. Rarely does one come across a child howling due to scraped knee or simply a hurt elbow. Kids become strong, sturdy people with plenty of physical energy and stamina. I think this is due glory of well-being on the region's open spaces and grounds that allow us to cultivate in the midst of nature.

Following my recent Olympic win, i needed the nice fortune of travelling around the world, attending various felicitation programmes. In that time, i saw kids playing on roads with traffic zipping past them. I visited schools that have only 1 concrete building instead of just a compound, leave alone a school playground equipment.  High-rise apartment blocks were flanked by roads but did not have any access to gardens or grounds. This lack of open playgrounds has amazed me. I've found it strange to stay closed spaces on a regular basis. How must small children feel, being confined in closed spaces with no outlets with regard to their immense physical energy?

I've got noticed how sluggish the 'healthy' urban young children are, specifically in comparison to children at my village. Children in cities look incompetent at climbing even one small hill - an issue that would be child's play for several folks. Once i ask most of the people at these felicitation parties what their kids accomplish, they proudly make me aware how busy these kids are because of their studies, tuitions and TV! It will make me wonder if at this point, they've got at any time by any means to experiment with. Online games and video games hardly classify as play or sport. Children usually play in open spaces - parks, playgrounds, backyards - not in balconies, corridors, or worse, streets.

It is great to see our country progress with urbanisation and modern development plans, such as the West which consists of high-rises and skyscrapers. But progress can't come at the expense of freedom and childhood. As increasing numbers of villages become towns, more towns become cities and cities explode into metropolises, do we want our kids to waste their childhood in jail?

We have all heard that every one work and no play makes Jack an ordinary boy or Jill a monotonous girl. This is simply not merely a maxim but a reality. I urge everyone to think about play not quite as pointless speculate an absolute necessity. Playing encourages children to participate in, socialise, cooperate and form mafias. It enables the theifs to try situations, toughening them up mentally and physically. Youngsters are not trophies to get displayed, showcasing their excellence with a report card of 99% in all of the subjects. Children are free spirits who must conjoin with nature. Playgrounds allow children to escape the drudgery of daily routine, to mingle for some other kids, explore and savor their differences and similarities.

Playgrounds permit imagination to nurture - and with it creativity comes alive. Open playgrounds can be a world where every child is definitely an equal, with entry to everything. They can be the primary spaces that unearth hidden talents and sporting geniuses. Watch kids race, wrestle, box and scramble, all in fun, and you will then know very well what reflexes your little one uses essentially the most also to best effect. School playgrounds are where first trophies and medals are won, where talents are spotted and groomed. Imagine our land minus the delight of such fertile grooming spaces plus the loss this would mean for kids and childhood.

So why do cities, centres of wealth, succumb to greed and convert every open piece of land into vertical structures? Can't these cities be an illustration of this how nature and growth can co-exist by showcasing the key benefits of both? Why can't we as mothers demand playgrounds as a straight to free living along with an expression of childhood? As mothers, the guardians of the children's best interests, we would be wise to consider cudgels for creating playgrounds.

We've got to insist that schools are certainly not schools without open playgrounds. We have to make a movement with collaborative efforts. I realize of corporate giants that happen to be coming forward to build and gaze after playgrounds. We as mothers gives direction to this attempt to protect our local spaces. This might indeed the ideal gift we can give our kids; a gift of healthy, energetic physically active adulthood, that will surely get them to say "Thank you, mom"

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